What are skulls to chimpanzees?

Here on Inuyama Campus, researchers study primates and other animals, alive and dead (think fossils and roadkills). But no one is more dedicated to uncovering the cognitive and behavioral connections between the living and the dead than André Gonçalves , who...
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Building your academic personal website

Nowadays, creating your own website is a powerful way of presenting who you are and what you do to your academic and professional peers, and to the broader world.

We are offering a two-part series on website building as a tool for academic marketing and science...

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Learning from Rescued Slow Lorises

Slow lorises, whose lives in the wild are mostly shrouded in the darkness of night, have long been considered primarily solitary primates. A growing body of evidence, however, suggests that at least some of the species are socially more active than previously thought. A new...
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Primates under Pressure

The threat of the sixth mass extinction looms larger with every in action of ours to protect Earth's biodiversity. Today, close to two in three primate species are threatened with extinction ( Estrada et al., 2017 ). What responsibilities do we, the human primate, bear...
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